Category: Addiction


If you have a brain, then you have the required tool to become addicted. Addicted people are not physically different from non-addicted people. Distorted thoughts cause...

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You Are Addicted to What?

You Are Addicted to What?

When people think of addictions it is usually alcohol, drugs, or sex that first pops into their minds. They often think of these addictions that have 12 step support groups and...

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Pornography: The Effects

We’ve heard all the main arguments and reasons to not watch pornography: because it objectifies people, it can be addictive, it’s morally wrong, etc. As we take note of the...

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Addiction Sufferers

Many addiction sufferers are unable to experience a full range of emotional health within their day to day lives. This also leads to another issue of being unable to process and...

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Why is it all My fault?

Do you ever wonder how your spouse seemed one way when you first met but then turned out to be a totally different person after a few years?? At first, you can’t imagine how this...

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Emotional Anorexia

Most people are familiar with the term anorexia.  When they hear the term they think of an eating disorder. People can also suffer from emotional anorexia. I see emotional...

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Heart of Gratitude

Without the trust of clients it is not possible to provide good therapy. “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities - brilliantly disguised as insoluable problems.” -...

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Shame Fractures The Soul!

I had an amazing session this week with a client who was just beginning to see, and talk about, something people all over the world are plagued with every single day!  I see it...

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Are You An Over-Functioner?

Are you tired?  Overworked?  Overwhelmed? Feel like you can’t stop doing everything that you do or things will just fall apart?  You are probably  overfunctioning  - BIG TIME!...

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Victimy or Validating?

If you don’t know the difference between being a victim vs. validating your partner, you’re in trouble!  Knowing the difference determines whether conflicts in your relationships...

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What NOT To Do After An Affair

There is little less painful than witnessing the devastation people suffer in the wake of an affair.  Handling it the wrong way, however, will most likely lead to the agony of a...

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What Did We Get Married For Anyway?

Marriage vows make me chuckle.  We get all dressed up and arrange all the pomp and circumstance to publicly profess our vows to one another.  In reality, however, nobody has any...

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The Amazing Parallels of Life

I had a few spectacular moments of clarity this week!  I witnessed someone being very short with their elderly parent for what seemed like no reason other than impatience.  Less...

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Where Do You Invest Your Gold?

If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do with the money?  Would you spend it lavishly and wastefully?  Or would you invest it in something that will protect it and help...

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