Pornography: The Effects

We’ve heard all the main arguments and reasons to not watch pornography: because it objectifies people, it can be addictive, it’s morally wrong, etc. As we take note of the increased usage in our culture today, however, it would appear that these are not good enough...
Does An Affair Always End A Marriage?

Does An Affair Always End A Marriage?

“The only reason this marriage would end is if you cheated on me.” This or some version of this is something most people say before they walk down the aisle. Even if it is not actually said out loud to the other person, many people think this before they take the...

Invitation vs. Expectation

I work with couples regularly who are stuck in the power struggle. They fight with each other over which one is going to act and behave according to the other’s worldview.  It sounds something like this “I know how the world works, and if you would just get on...
Is There Sex After Marriage?

Is There Sex After Marriage?

One marital myth that I think many people hear about is that once you get married, you stop having sex. This marital myth or fact is a little bit harder to answer because this can be really different for each couple. I have couples I have worked with that sex does not...

Procrastination and Perfectionism

Today we are going to look at what procrastination and perfectionism have to do with each other.  Do you have procrastination tendencies, like me?  Do you wish you could stop, and just find the motivation to get the job done already? Maybe you are a perfectionist and...