Imposter Syndrome
By: Rachael
September 7, 2024

Are You Plagued With Imposter Syndrome?


You find you are second guessing yourself, your skill level, your education, and don’t feel worthy to have a few extra letters behind your name, even though you worked just as hard as your classmates. You may have heard of the term imposter syndrome before and wondered if that aligned with your feelings about not being good enough at your work place.

Imposter syndrome can take on different forms in each individual. Some people believe it was all luck as to why they achieved what they have in life. Some believe they were handed the place they are today because of someone they knew, not because they earned their spot at the table. They may have achieved the highest award in their area of work, but don’t fully believe they should have earned the award or attention they received. Multiple students, undergraduate and graduate, may have feelings that align with imposter syndrome as they apply for jobs after school. They feel they were just fortunate and had easy professors along the way to receive their grades, and the fear of being “found out” scares them as they enter the work force.

One way to work on building up your confidence and silencing those doubts running around in your head, is to start the conversation at your work place or among classmates. Begin talking to a well trusted friend and be vulnerable; open yourself up to feeling less alone. You aren’t aware of what others are thinking throughout the day. No one wants to admit they are concerned they aren’t skilled enough for their position because what if the boss finds out or what if you get fired? However, you are qualified, you have earned the place at the table, and more importantly, you are not alone in this feeling. The more you talk and open up about your feelings, the more you will discover it’s a common feeling, but you don’t have to work through it alone. You can take back that feeling of doubt, slowly overtime, to create a safer place for yourself. You can do it because you are worthy! Keep telling yourself that until you believe it. You got this.