Category: Relationships
Healthy Conflict

Healthy Conflict

Healthy Conflict In A Relationship   Conflict is something that every person has to go through no matter what the relationship may be. When people think of conflict, their...

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Are You Codependent? You may have heard of the word codependence.  It may even be something that you are personally aware of in your life or the life of those around you.  It can...

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Before The Fire Starts

Before The Fire Starts

Did you just start a relationship or do you find yourself glancing at the new diamond on your hand?  Or maybe you just celebrated your 5th year anniversary. What an exciting...

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Am I Being Manipulated?

Am I Being Manipulated?

Do you ever wonder "Am I being manipulated?"  To manipulate, by definition, means to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one’s advantage. This behavior can often be...

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Resolutions: New Year, New You

Resolutions: New Year, New You

At the beginning of the year, it has become a tradition to set New Year Resolutions: New Year, New You! The main ones typically are to lose weight, quit smoking, travel, or...

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Lacking Emotional Intimacy?

Lacking Emotional Intimacy?

When working with clients, one of the first things I look for in our initial session is to see if they are lacking emotional intimacy. Half of the couples will open up about...

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Couple’s Therapy

Couple’s Therapy

“I really don’t know if I want to be in this relationship anymore. I just want to know that we tried everything we could.” I hear different versions of this statement from a new...

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Let’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex

When couples come to me to work on their relationship, 9 out of 10 times sex is the last topic they bring up. We go through their struggles on communication, not feeling heard,...

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Attachment Styles

Attachment Styles

We each have a level of both secure attachment and insecure attachment within us. Our attachment styles are formed by early experience and the way we are affected by our bonds...

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Roommate Marriage

Roommate Marriage

Do you feel like you are in a roommate marriage?  Wishing for the times when you were constantly thinking about that special person - while you were at work, classes, completing...

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How To Deal With A Manipulator

How To Deal With A Manipulator

Most people have been in contact with an individual who knows how to turn the concerning situation that you have brought to them, onto you. Now you are the person in the wrong,...

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What to do after you get engaged

What to do after you get engaged

Picture this…you just got engaged. You are so full of love and excitement that you are going to spend forever with your person. The wedding planning immediately begins. Venues,...

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Relational Jealousy

Relational Jealousy

Relational jealousy is a perfectly natural emotion that we have all experienced at one time or another, but it can definitely be a painful one. This is partially due to the fact...

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Blame Is Ugly The Blame Game is a trap to keep you in a lower position in life. Blaming says, “there’s nothing I can do about how I feel or respond to this scenario. I have no...

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Living In Reactivity

Living In Reactivity

Have you ever been in a relationship living in reactivity, feeling like a screech owl? Some people believe no one can ‘make’ us feel anything. They believe it is all up to us....

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How To Use Your “Wise Mind”

How To Use Your “Wise Mind”

The human brain has two sides, each of which has an important function. Depending on one’s personality and extenuating circumstances, one side may become more active than the...

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Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays

The holidays are supposed to be a joyous time with friends and family but sometimes we might need a little help surviving the holidays. Unfortunately, the holidays don’t always...

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