Giving and Recieving Love
By: Javan
December 4, 2015

image Allow others to love you! Do you know how to love yourself and others? Your family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, strangers, neighbors? Do you know how to let others love you back? Do you know how to accept different kinds of love?


Love requires trust. In order to believe in someone’s ability to love you need trust. Trust that how you love may look different from how other people love. Being married does not mean that your spouse loves the way you do or that you can love your spouse the way they want to be loved. Getting your needs met from your relationships has a lot to do with how open you are to receiving good love. Good love can be different from expectations.


Mature love is not reactive, based in fear, or insecurity. Trust requires good self-love and honesty. No matter what happens to us in life, from our families, our friends, from the world, good self-love keeps your self-worth in tact.

imageA fulfilling life comes with healthy trust and good self-love. The ability to give and receive love is not automatic. Giving and recieving true love cannot be conditional or based on what we receive in return.  Mature love is not taught or modeled for many people. Good self-love and trust takes work. Resiliency comes at the cost of letting go of our childhood ideas of love and embracing the truth. Allow others to love you and love others!