Category: Individual Therapy

Life Changes and Loss

Grief can mean a lot of things. Sometimes it's losing someone you love. Sometimes it's not having life go the way you thought it would. Sometimes it's about an old pain that...

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Grieving Seasons of Loss

Yes, there are seasons in life. Some harder than others. This has been a season of grieving in my life. My father passed away last month and the grief has been larger than...

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“You never support me!”

Do you feel like your husband doesn't understand you or do what you need? Do you feel disappointed or deeply hurt? Most people have needs and wants of their loved ones. When...

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Compassion…. a simple word, a simple concept, a lovely experience to both provide and receive. However, compassion is rarely provided when it's needed.  It’s easy to provide...

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“I don’t feel APPRECIATED!”

The definition of appreciation is "Recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things."  (  April,...

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Processing Pain

Emotional recovery from any painful situation involves deep processing. If you're asking yourself why, you've come to the right place. I can provide some clarity around why...

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Well it IS almost Halloween! Are you aware that you make choices out of fear and worry? OK, are you aware of how many choices you make out of fear and worry? Some choices that...

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What do you think?

Well, I have this problem and was wondering, what would you do? Can you believe he acted like that, what should I do about that? I don't want to leave her, but she is just not...

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Envisioning the Enneagram

Envisioning the Enneagram

The Enneagram is a test used to understand and describe personality that has been around since the 1900's—though it is certainly becoming trendier lately. I wrote a paper on a...

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