Category: Marriage

Can People Really Change?

Can people really change?  I mean lasting changes that you can count on?  Or once someone shows you what is in their character, is it just in their character? I believe people...

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Why Is Cut-Off Not the Answer?

Why is emotional cut-off not the answer to the painful relationships in your life?  It seems like it would be the perfect solution.  I mean, if there is someone in your life that...

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The Importance of Connection

How important is connection to your relationships? Once a relationship is defined and/or feels secure, do you feel the connection will continue at the same level?  And how...

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The Energy Equation

Do you walk around feeling drained and spent most of the time?  Do you have dreams, but don’t ever have time to make them come true?  Do you feel like you are just getting...

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Is It Worth The Fight?

Is it even worth the fight?  To be sure, fighting is painful and it may seem like no good can come from it, but the answer to the question is and emphatic “Yes!” When a fight...

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Who Is Responsible For Your Needs?

Who is responsible for meeting your emotional needs?  This is an issue that happens very commonly and causes tremendous frustration for both parties in a relationship.  I have in...

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What Causes Intimacy To Break Down?

We all love the intimacy in the beginning of a relationship – where we are sharing things with our partner that we don’t share with most people.  We share our deepest hopes,...

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Are You An OverFunctioner?

Are you tired?  Overworked?  Overwhelmed? Feel like you can’t stop doing everything that you do or things will just fall apart?  You are probably  overfunctioning  - BIG TIME!...

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The Lies We Believe

What are the lies you believe?  I’m not talking about the lies other people tell you, I’m talking about the lies you tell you!  Lies like . . . “I’m worthless.” “I’m not good...

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What’s Tripping You Up?

Good grief!  Who came up with that term?  Anybody who has experienced grief, or been around somebody experiencing some serious grief, for that matter, knows that grief is not...

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What Causes Abandonment?

If you have abandonment issues, you know the searing, gut wrenching pain that comes up at the most nonsensical times.  You know the ridiculous, desperate things you will do or...

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What Cured My Shame

What has cured my shame more than anything?  Bringing it out into the open.  I remember a time when I was in hiding.  My insecurities, my deepest regrets, my biggest failures...

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2 Things Wrecking Our Marriages

What’s wrecking our  marriages?  I find these 2 traits in varying quantities in nearly every couple that enters my office!  They usually come as a package and when both parties...

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How Some People Ruin Their Own Lives

Are you unknowingly ruining your life with victim thinking?  A victim is someone who is on the receiving end of some kind of mistreatment.  We all have this to a certain degree,...

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What’s Wrong With “I’m Sorry”?

What’s wrong with just saying “I’m sorry”?  I mean, if you didn’t mean to hurt the person (or if you think you didn’t hurt them anyway) why can’t you just say I’m sorry and be...

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Be Someone You Can Respect

“Be someone you can respect.”  Short. Sweet. Concise.  This sentence packs a punch. It both establishes a goal and holds you accountable in 5 little words.  I love it! What is it...

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What Most Women Want

There is a common thread amongst most of the women that I speak to.  Some of you may hear it and disagree, but I challenge you to dig deep into the recesses of your soul and see...

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What My Kids Have Taught Me

I officially join the ranks of parents with “grown” children this weekend.  I have experienced what seems like every emotion known to man in my decades of parenting . . . joy,...

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