Who Can You Trust?

Ever wonder how to know who you can trust and who you can’t?  Don’t just go by how they treat you, pay attention to how they treat others!  Certainly you’ll want to watch their actions, but also listen when they talk about how they’ve responded to other people so...

The Truth About Lies

I told a “little white lie” this week.  I’m not proud of it and after it tugged on my heart for a few days, I came clean with the person I told it to.  I didn’t lie about anything huge (hence the ‘little white lie’ part – whatever that means), but it was a lie...

How Badly Do You Want Changes In Your Life?

Still wondering why you can’t get change to occur in your life?  Maybe you’re not disgusted with yourself enough yet!  Change will only occur when where you are at is more painful than getting where you need or want to go.   It is not until you get truly and...