What Most Relationships Lack

Relationships that are in turmoil lack an important ingredient.  Fortunately, what they are lacking can be developed, but it is not easy!  What do  most relationships lack?  Emotional maturity. Let me sum up the definition of emotional maturity this way:  the ability...

How Do You Test Your Relationships?

Do you “test” your relationships?  Testing is a primitive way to see if we are loved.  Basically the Tester (I’ll call them ‘Needy One’) feels insecure, unloved, etc., and they ‘test’ the people in their lives to see if they are loved enough.  Sometimes it is very...

You Spot It, You Got It!

It never ceases to amaze me.  The longer I work with a couple and the more layers that get peeled back, it is fascinating how very much alike the two people are!  I heard an interesting concept awhile back that perfectly sums up what it is that I am witnessing . . ....

Emotional Maturity: Are You 3 or 43?

How emotionally mature are you?  We would all like to believe that we are mature, rational adults, but if we are honest with ourselves, we’ve all got some emotional immaturity in us.  Let me illustrate the difference. . . Immature:  I snap at my partner because I feel...

Desperately In Love With You!

“I’m desperately in love with you!” Taylor Swift sang from the country radio station I was listening to.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Taylor’s music, but these words just struck me in a way they never had before.  Being a marriage counselor for the last 7 years has...