Truth and Grace

‘Truth comes from the mouths of babes.’  Isn’t that old cliché so true?  Kids can say the most unadulterated, brutal truth with such ease!  And when they say it, we don’t take offense to it because we know that it comes from a completely innocent place.  There is no...

Wherever You Go, There You Are

There was a story of two men in ancient times of walled off cities.  One man left his city and went on a trek seeking a better life.  He arrived at a new city’s gates and asked the woman what the city was like.  She asked him, “What was the city you came from like?” ...

Intimacy, Eyes, and Dogs

I had an immediate reaction to a study that my husband told me about.  He read that ‘if you look a dog in the eye and speak kindly to it, it will behave better.’  My immediate reaction was, ‘That goes for people, too!’ I see a lot of couples in my practice as a...

Angry Women . . . Passive Men

She practically levitated off my couch.  The anger this woman had been storing for years was spilling out of her and all her husband could do was sink deeper into the sofa.  By the time a couple hits my office, she can contain her frustrations no longer and he is...

Pin The Tail On The Donkey

Are you sick of not getting your needs met?  Do you feel like you have been screaming at the top of your lungs, but your partner claims to have no idea what you want from them?  Do you feel hopeless that this equation will ever right itself?  Let me take a...