You Are Addicted to What?

You Are Addicted to What?

When people think of addictions it is usually alcohol, drugs, or sex that first pops into their minds. They often think of these addictions that have 12 step support groups and that you hear about quite a bit. People need to know though that you can be addicted to...

How Do You Seek Relief?

How do you seek relief when you are in emotional pain?  We all have our “go to” methods that we use to give ourselves immediate relief. . . food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sex, shopping, porn, isolating ourselves, controlling others, defensiveness, complaining,...

Are You Addicted To Your Relationship?

Are you addicted to your relationship?  Do you spend an inordinate amount of time . . . Thinking about your partner? Talking about them? Trying to please them? Being angry at them? Having mock arguments with them while you are alone? Focusing on how to fix the...

“Is He Worth Therapy?”

Dealing with someone you love who feels distant, uncommitted, and is possibly having an affair can be gut wrenching and painful. The sting of  betrayal, the lousy levels of intimacy, and the all around detachment is the last thing you thought you would end up with,...