Category: Abandonment

Intimacy Builder: Validation

Validation simply means acknowledging, and giving importance to, the worldview of another. Validation is a powerful tool in a therapist’s toolbag, and can disarm anxiety and...

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How To Gain Control Over Your Life

Want more control over your life?  It is much easier than you think!  We spend so much of our time feeling anxious and out of control and we expend so much energy ruminating and...

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Betrayal, Loss, and Grief

Have you been betrayed by a loved one? Have you felt loss after divorce? Are you grieving a life that didn't happen as you had hoped? Sometimes grief is losing someone you love....

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Moving From Victim To Victorious!

When hardship happens in your life, how do you handle it?  Do you metaphorically throw yourself down on the floor and have a kicking, screaming tantrum?  Or do you accept it as...

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Finding Happily Ever After

Have you been looking for happily ever after? Let’s face it. Deep down, that’s what we all want – for the struggle to end, the ease to begin. We want the comfort of having our...

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Change Your Relationship Landscape

The ideal purpose of marriage and family is to be your true self, to grow, to be loved, and accepted, unconditionally. Family can be a place to learn the purpose and place for...

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Relationship Dependency

You CAN change the cycle of pain you came from..Rewrite your story for hope, for change, for unconditional love. What triggers you into a state of fear? What pushes your buttons?...

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I Feel Abandoned In My Marriage

If you read part one of abandonment, you have a bit of an understanding of how abandonment feelings are created in your life. What this looks like in current life, as an adult,...

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Abandonment Issues

Everyone experiences loss at some point or another in their lives. But the type of abandonment issues I am discussing today, on my video, and in this week’s blog are deep and...

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Are You Too Needy?

Are you too needy? Most of us would never admit to such a thing, yet we all have a little clinginess in us. How do you know when you are too needy in a relationship? Signs Here...

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Addiction Sufferers

Many addiction sufferers are unable to experience a full range of emotional health within their day to day lives. This also leads to another issue of being unable to process and...

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The Honeymoon is Over

The Honeymoon is Over

If your sense of who you are is defined by judgments or actions of others, then you are experiencing enmeshment. Over investment in others and less investment in...

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Pain from an Affair

Dealing with someone you love who feels distant, uncommitted, and is possibly having an affair can be gut wrenching and painful. The sting of  betrayal, the lousy levels of...

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Loneliness of the Soul

There are a lot of lonely people in the world.  I mean really lonely. . . they. have a loneliness in their soul.  I'm not only referring to the people who live alone, have no...

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Abandonment Issues

Abandonment issues are all over the world. Everyone experiences loss at some point or another in their lives. But the abandonment issues I am discussing today, on my video, and...

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Shame Fractures The Soul!

I had an amazing session this week with a client who was just beginning to see, and talk about, his shame.  Something people all over the world are plagued with every single...

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