Category: Codependent

3 Parts of You

Do you know the different parts of yourself? Most of us are only vaguely aware of the 3 different parts that I like to talk about in counseling:  The Adult, The Little Boy/Girl,...

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The Blame Game

How do you discuss tough topics? If you are able to self-differentiate, not define yourself based on another person's actions or words, then you are able to hear another...

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Are Your Emotions Unstable?

Do your emotions sometimes feel unstable?  Do you find yourself doing things you thought or promised you wouldn’t do? Does your partner?  You may be experiencing what I call the...

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How To Gain Control Over Your Life

Want more control over your life?  It is much easier than you think!  We spend so much of our time feeling anxious and out of control and we expend so much energy ruminating and...

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Finding Happily Ever After

Have you been looking for happily ever after? Let’s face it. Deep down, that’s what we all want – for the struggle to end, the ease to begin. We want the comfort of having our...

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Change Your Relationship Landscape

The ideal purpose of marriage and family is to be your true self, to grow, to be loved, and accepted, unconditionally. Family can be a place to learn the purpose and place for...

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Relationship Dependency

You CAN change the cycle of pain you came from..Rewrite your story for hope, for change, for unconditional love. What triggers you into a state of fear? What pushes your buttons?...

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What do you think?

Well, I have this problem and was wondering, what would you do? Can you believe he acted like that, what should I do about that? I don't want to leave her, but she is just not...

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