Defensiveness: Protecting The Heart

Defensiveness is an excellent indicator to help find woundedness in the human heart.  After all, we defend places that hurt, like a lion protecting a paw with a thorn in it.  Dealing with the defensiveness of those we love can be just as dangerous as taking on that...
The Honeymoon is Over

The Honeymoon is Over

If your sense of who you are is defined by judgments or actions of others, then you are experiencing enmeshment. Over investment in others and less investment in yourself. Enmeshing can feel controlling and over bearing, which contributes to more cut-off and...

Abandonment Issues

Abandonment issues are all over the world. Everyone experiences loss at some point or another in their lives. But the abandonment issues I am discussing today, on my video, and in this week’s  blog are deeper and more pervasive than the stereotypical “I...