Giving and Recieving Love

Allow others to love you! Do you know how to love yourself and others? Your family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, strangers, neighbors? Do you know how to let others love you back? Do you know how to accept different kinds of love? Trust Love requires trust. In...

Betrayal, Loss, and Grief

Have you been betrayed by a loved one? Have you felt loss after divorce? Are you grieving a life that didn’t happen as you had hoped? Sometimes grief is losing someone you love. Sometimes it’s not having life go the way you thought it would. Sometimes it’s about...

Healing Trust Damage

Healing trust damage is a topic that is pretty common in my office.  For example, how does one overcome the trust damage that occurs when a spouse has an affair?  What if your family member or significant other is a perpetual liar?  What if someone you love suffers...

Pain from an Affair

Dealing with someone you love who feels distant, uncommitted, and is possibly having an affair can be gut wrenching and painful. The sting of  betrayal, the lousy levels of intimacy, and the all around detachment is the last thing you thought you would end up with,...