

Are You Codependent? You may have heard of the word codependence.  It may even be something that you are personally aware of in your life or the life of those around you.  It can be related to something negative, to be codependent.  I would like to discuss how we may...
Codependency Is Common

Codependency Is Common

The term has such a negative connotation, I’ve found, but codependency is common. Traditionally, codependency has been viewed as an uneven dynamic between two individuals, one being more of the “giver” and one being the “taker”. This terminology can be closely...
Are You Not Setting Healthy Boundaries?

Are You Not Setting Healthy Boundaries?

Are you not setting healthy boundaries? Do you ever feel taken advantage of? Walked all over? When you speak it doesn’t matter what you say? People keep taking and taking from you which leaves you feeling stressed, anxious and exhausted? If you said yes, you are...