What’s Your Status In Victimville?

Are you a victim?  Many people think, “Yes!”, because others have wronged them.  And that may be true, however, read on!  You may be more of a victim of a victim mentality than of the people and circumstances around you! A victim mentality is a common dysfunctional...

8 Signs of a Rescuer

Would your friends describe you as someone who “would do anything for anybody”?  Or as someone who “goes way out of his way to help people”?  Maybe your spouse complains because you volunteer too much at the church or that you’ll “go help a neighbor re-roof his house,...

Do You Know What Kind of Eggs You Like?

If you have seen the movie Runaway Bride you have been introduced to the concept of differentiation. You saw an undifferentiated Maggie Carpenter adopt the interests and hobbies of each new fiancé. Time and again she changes who she is to mirror a future mate. She...

2 Codependent Words I Hate

There are 2 codependent words that I have learned to hate – “have to”!  These 2 words are spoken with great passion by codependents the world over!  They “have to” take forgotten  lunch money to their kid at school.  They “have to” do extra work on the project because...

I Feel Pain, What’d You Do?

Are you guilty of something I like to call I Feel Pain, What’d You Do? The idea is that if you’re feeling some kind of discomfort, someone must have done something to cause it!  This is not a conscious thought, but more of an instant, somewhat irrational, knee jerk...