Reality of Marriage

Falling in love and getting married… seems so happy. Planning the party, imagining living together, hoping to get every type of happiness is pretty normal for most couples. The expectations might be normal, but the reality is that people are complex. For many...
Why Won’t My Husband Listen to Me?

Why Won’t My Husband Listen to Me?

 One of the common complaints I hear in my office when someone first comes to see me is “My husband does not hear me!” Okay, so let’s be honest that it is not always the wife that feels this way, there are often times that a husband does not feel heard as well, but...
When Do You Need Marriage Counseling?

When Do You Need Marriage Counseling?

There are the obvious reasons that couples decide that they need to seek counseling. Affairs, an out of control addiction, or if the divorce word is getting thrown out in a serious manner are several of the reasons that couples come to see me. Of course, the issue...
Is There Sex After Marriage?

Is There Sex After Marriage?

One marital myth that I think many people hear about is that once you get married, you stop having sex. This marital myth or fact is a little bit harder to answer because this can be really different for each couple. I have couples I have worked with that sex does not...
Do You Ever Take a Ride on the Shame Train?

Do You Ever Take a Ride on the Shame Train?

Do you ever take a ride on the shame train? The shame train is when one horrible thought you may have about yourself turns into another and then another. The shame train makes stops at sadville, depressionfield, and sometimes even hoplessness zone. The end of the...