Should I Stay or Should I Go?

One of the more frequent issues I see in my office is a spouse or even a couple together trying to decide if they should stay married or move on and proceed with a divorce. Many times that is what brings them to me, is to get a third party opinion or direction of what...

Enmeshment 101

Most people would be a little surprised to hear a podcast about being to close in a marriage (see Hot Mess Radio’s podcast on Enmeshment at the end of this blog!). What’s wrong with that? Close is good! Believe it or not, being too close in a marriage can...

Marriage: The Well Oiled Machine

Marriage counseling is not really about fixing marriage. Sounds weird, yes I know. But marriage counseling is about fixing you. You are the only one that you can control, and you are the only one you can change. If two people come into my office wanting to fix their...