What Would You Say To Yourself?

If you could go back in time, say 10, 20, or 30 years, what would you say to yourself?  You’ve lived through some rough stuff since then.  You’ve gained wisdom from life experience that cannot be learned any better way than through living it.  You know things now that...

Take What You’ve Got and Be Thankful

The words stung and then floated off into the universe.  I was only in my 20’s, attending a gathering of friends one night when a 4 year old said those seven powerful words to me.  “Take what you’ve got and be thankful.” Wow!  Really?  It’s uncanny, sometimes, what...

Hitting Rock Bottom

I had another one of those ‘moments’ this morning at church. The sermon brought up thankfulness. “Oh, sure!,” you might be thinking, “yeah, yeah, take what you’ve got and be thankful and all that . . . but my life is a hot...