Category: Intimacy
Jealousy Struggles

Jealousy Struggles

Jealousy Struggles Becoming jealous of your significant other when they interact with another person of theopposite sex isn’t a pleasant feeling to have, but is something that...

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Resolutions: New Year, New You

Resolutions: New Year, New You

At the beginning of the new year, it has become a tradition to set New Year Resolutions: New Year, New You! The main ones typically are to lose weight, quit smoking, travel, or...

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Lacking Emotional Intimacy?

Lacking Emotional Intimacy?

When working with clients, one of the first things I look for in our initial session is to see if they are lacking emotional intimacy. Half of the couples will open up about...

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Roommate Marriage

Roommate Marriage

Do you feel like you are in a roommate marriage?  Wishing for the times when you were constantly thinking about that special person - while you were at work, classes, completing...

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Keys To Enhancing Your Sex Life

Keys To Enhancing Your Sex Life

There are several keys to enhancing your sex life.  Whenever I approach the topic of sex with my clients I either get people who are excited to finally have the opportunity to...

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Sometimes Intimacy Hurts

Today I would like to discuss one of the finer points of intimacy.  There is a mis-conception I’d like to take a swing at clearing up, about what intimacy actually is and how to...

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Behind the Veil of Enmeshment

I am often met with clients who, in the throws of an affair, seem completely out of touch with reality. Their spouse can see it, their friends and co-workers can see it, and...

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