Do you feel emotionally drained? Are you physically drained? Are you surrounded by people who need you? Do you find yourself thinking about other people’s problems? Is it hard to...
Reality of Marriage
by Javan | May 28, 2015
Falling in love and getting married… seems so happy. Planning the party, imagining living together, hoping to get every type of happiness is pretty normal for most couples....
The “Fixer”
by Nancy | May 9, 2015
What happens when your partner or friend tells you about a problem? Do you automatically go into “fix it” mode? It’s a pretty common response to want to right a wrong. Something...
Are Your Emotions Unstable?
by Kathy | Apr 6, 2015
Do your emotions sometimes feel unstable? Do you find yourself doing things you thought or promised you wouldn’t do? Does your partner? You may be experiencing what I call the...
How You Might Be Blocking Your Own Needs!
by Kathy | Mar 2, 2015
Do you ever become aware of a need and then immediately feel guilty? Or maybe you have a need but feel guilty asking for it to be met? Perhaps you hesitate asking for your need...
by Javan | Mar 1, 2015
Today, there are many different therapy techniques used to help people move from a place of "stuckness" to a fulfilled life. There is so much information on-line on self help....
When Do You Need Marriage Counseling?
by Christy Aloisio | Feb 23, 2015
There are the obvious reasons that couples decide that they need to seek counseling. Affairs, an out of control addiction, or if the divorce word is getting thrown out in a...
Why I Don’t Give Advice
by Nancy | Feb 22, 2015
It's pretty common for people to seek out a counselor to get some advice. They want answers, a referee, an expert to tell them how to get out of the place they find themselves...
Betrayal, Loss, and Grief
by Javan | Feb 21, 2015
Have you been betrayed by a loved one? Have you felt loss after divorce? Are you grieving a life that didn't happen as you had hoped? Sometimes grief is losing someone you love....
Invitation vs. Expectation
by Nancy | Feb 7, 2015
I work with couples regularly who are stuck in the power struggle. They fight with each other over which one is going to act and behave according to the other’s worldview. It...
Why Is Marriage So Hard?
by Kathy | Feb 1, 2015
Why is marriage so hard? We meet the person who fits us perfectly and the love flows so freely, it is difficult to imagine it could ever be hard. So why is it so tough? I have 4...
Finding Happily Ever After
by Kathy | Jan 25, 2015
Have you been looking for happily ever after? Let’s face it. Deep down, that’s what we all want – for the struggle to end, the ease to begin. We want the comfort of having our...
Premarital Counseling
by Javan | Jan 23, 2015
Begin the marriage journey prepared and informed with premarital counseling! Planning a wedding, getting engaged, choosing wedding rings, even remarrying are all exciting times...
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
by Javan | Jan 13, 2015
What took down the gloriously engineered Titanic ship wasn't the massive iceberg that was visible. It was the smaller, below water, out of sight, non-visible iceberg, below that...
Does Marriage Counseling Work?
by Kathy | Jan 7, 2015
It’s a valid question. Does marriage counseling actually work? As a marriage counselor, you would expect my answer to be a resounding, “Yes!”, and to an extent it is, but I’m...
Change Your Relationship Landscape
by Javan | Jan 2, 2015
The ideal purpose of marriage and family is to be your true self, to grow, to be loved, and accepted, unconditionally. Family can be a place to learn the purpose and place for...
Hope, Gratitude and Giving Thanks
by Javan | Nov 26, 2014
Good, emotional health is about knowing what works! Knowing your own strengths, your own happiness, and where you feel grounded is important for good, emotional health. Do you...
I Feel Abandoned In My Marriage
by Javan | Nov 7, 2014
If you read part one of abandonment, you have a bit of an understanding of how abandonment feelings are created in your life. What this looks like in current life, as an adult,...
The Honeymoon is Over
by Javan | Oct 14, 2014
If your sense of who you are is defined by judgments or actions of others, then you are experiencing enmeshment. Over investment in others and less investment in...
Pain from an Affair
by Javan | Oct 9, 2014
Dealing with someone you love who feels distant, uncommitted, and is possibly having an affair can be gut wrenching and painful. The sting of betrayal, the lousy levels of...
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