Category: Uncategorized

A Matter of Perspective

I was in a training session the other day about taking a biblical approach to anxiety and depression counseling, and a picture came into my mind about our perspectives in life...

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Boundary vs. Ultimatum

I cannot tell you how many times I have helped folks who have difficulties having boundaries to develop better ones, only to have their spouses get super reactive to those new...

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Feelings Are Not Facts!

Here’s a little tidbit to stir up some thought in you. . . feelings are not facts! It is very tempting to trust our very intense and overpowering feelings in the moment, but that...

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Caregiver Burnout

Those who spend a great deal of their life caring for others...whether that be an ailing family member, someone with a chronic or terminal illness, or your patients if you work...

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Violent Communication

Do you use violent ways to communicate?  I don’t mean physically hurting someone (although we certainly don’t want that, either!)  What I’m talking about are ways that we...

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How To Have Good Boundaries

I am often asked the question in my office, "How do I have good boundaries?"  I must admit, many times my clients aren't super happy with the answer I give, and may think I'm...

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Is Your No Broken?

Is your No broken?  Do you find you can't say No? Tired of your mouth saying “Yes” when your brain says “No”?  Do you accept invitations out of guilt instead of desire?  Do you...

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Yes, or No?

I ran across a really good quote today that spoke to me.  Louie Giglio said "Whenever you say yes to something, there is less of you for something else.  Make sure your yes is...

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Co-Parenting After Divorce

When people get divorced they are often angry, bitter, hurt and devastated.  Their plans have been foiled and their lifestyle has changed.  But in addition to all that, they now...

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The Marriage Saver

People ask me now and again, what is the key to staying married for the long haul?  My parents are about to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary, and it is obvious to anyone...

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Abandonment: Can It Be Healed?

Abandonment issues are so common.  You don't have to have been left on the doorstep of an orphanage to know what abandonment feels like.  In fact, you can have two very loving,...

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A Balancing Act – Parenting

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about parenting.   Specifically, I want to address the balance between love and discipline. Have you ever thought about the need for a...

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Why Everyone Needs Therapy!

Why Everyone Needs Therapy!

I am of the opinion that just about everyone needs therapy.  Why?  Primarily because we can’t see into our own issues!  We see ourselves and our decisions the way we WANT to see...

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The “Fixer”

The “Fixer”

What happens when your partner or friend tells you about a problem? Do you automatically go into “fix it” mode? It’s a pretty common response to want to right a wrong. Something...

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3 Parts of You

Do you know the different parts of yourself? Most of us are only vaguely aware of the 3 different parts that I like to talk about in counseling:  The Adult, The Little Boy/Girl,...

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The Anger Management Myth

Anger Management.  It can almost be considered a "buzz word" lately.  When people experience what feels like extreme or out of control anger, they start to wonder about classes...

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The Blame Game

How do you discuss tough topics? If you are able to self-differentiate, not define yourself based on another person's actions or words, then you are able to hear another...

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Are You Holding Yourself Back?

Are you holding yourself back?  I read something recently about self-limiting beliefs and it reminded me how important our thoughts are.  I was holding myself back and didn’t...

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