Taming The Abandonment Beast

Taming The Abandonment Beast

If you have abandonment, you know there is quite an art to taming the abandonment beast.  It is a force to be reckoned with, for sure, and needs to be tamed in order to have a happy, healthy, and stable life.   Where Abandonment Comes From   Abandonment...
What is Okay in Your Relationship?

What is Okay in Your Relationship?

      As we walk blissfully down the aisle of matrimony, we generally feel as though we have a firm sense of what actions and behaviors we could consider “okay” in our marriage versus those behaviors that we would deem as “not okay.”It is verily normal for newlyweds...

Intimacy Builder: Validation

Validation simply means acknowledging, and giving importance to, the worldview of another. Validation is a powerful tool in a therapist’s toolbag, and can disarm anxiety and depressive symptoms by giving hope, connection, and understanding. Why, though, does it work...