Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Are You Plagued With Imposter Syndrome?   You find you are second guessing yourself, your skill level, your education, and don’t feel worthy to have a few extra letters behind your name, even though you worked just as hard as your classmates. You may have heard of the...
Confidence Is Calling

Confidence Is Calling

How To Build Your Confidence You know the people; they just seem to have the confidence of the world wherever they walk. You know logically, they have insecurities, just like you, but it never appears to be true when you are around them. Yes, they make mistakes, but...
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Wondering about overcoming imposter syndrome?  Do you ever feel like you do not belong at your job? Or that you have no idea what you are doing and you are just waiting that at any moment someone is going to question how you got the position? Well, let me give you a...
Toxic Masculinity

Toxic Masculinity

In today’s world, mental health has become such an important topic and the perception around it has completely changed for the better. However, society has created a narrative that is further from the truth for men that has been around for centuries. Toxic masculinity...