The Pain Of Codependence

If you have codependence, you know it can be painful.  But WHY?  Where does the pain come from and how can we make it stop?  In my opinion, the deepest pain of codependence comes from 2 sources.  Ironically, the first source of pain is from our surface attempts to...

What Is Your Anger Pointing To?

What is your anger pointing to?  This is such a difficult, but oh so important question because most of us think we know the answer. And when we “ know” the answer, we naturally deny it’s possible for our anger to be coming from somewhere else.  If you are willing,...

Finding Your Happy

Where do you find your happy?  So many of us spend our lives chasing it.  Dreaming of it.  Hoping for it. Waiting on it.  Mourning the fact that it hasn’t come yet.  Is it really that elusive?  And what are we doing wrong that we keep losing our grasp on it? I’m going...