Is Your Mental Health To Blame?

Is Your Mental Health To Blame?

We canHow To Take Control of Your Mental Health   As the world and society evolves, more research and time is being invested into mental health, spreading more awareness on the importance of it in every area of our lives. Vigorous recovery work allows us to adjust,...

Be Someone You Can Respect

“Be someone you can respect.”  Short. Sweet. Concise.  This sentence packs a punch. It both establishes a goal and holds you accountable in 5 little words.  I love it! What is it that you respect in people?  Honor?  Courage?  Generosity?  Gentleness?  Kindness? ...

What Way Did You Learn To Be Loved?

What way did you learn to be loved?  I’m not talking about having coffee brought to you in bed, or being greeted at the door when you get home.  Nor am I talking about romantic date nights or lots of passionate sex, I’m talking about what you learned growing up about...

What Would You Say To Yourself?

If you could go back in time, say 10, 20, or 30 years, what would you say to yourself?  You’ve lived through some rough stuff since then.  You’ve gained wisdom from life experience that cannot be learned any better way than through living it.  You know things now that...