Hysterical Bonding - The Urge To Be Intimate After An Affair You recently discovered that your partner had an affair. You are devastated and heartbroken. You are confused on what...
The Dangers of an Emotional Affair
by Morgan | Feb 4, 2021
Do you know the dangers of an emotional affair? When we hear the word “affair”, a variety of different things may come to mind. Many of us associate this with a physical...
The Importance of the real “F” word…Forgiveness
by Chelsea | Nov 20, 2020
Forgiveness: We all have been hurt before by someone. Those hurt feelings can really be heart wrenching and a feel punch in the stomach. Personally, I have a very hard time with...
Affair Recovery
by imavexadmin | Jun 2, 2019
As a therapist, one of the most common complaint my clients have is that their spouse has cheated. And they don’t know where to turn or what to do next. Their world has been...
What to Expect if Your Spouse Has Had an Affair
by Christy Aloisio | May 8, 2019
What should you expect when you find out your spouse or significant other has had an affair? Your life has been turned upside down. One minute life seems normal,...
Affair Recovery
by Javan | Nov 28, 2017
Acknowledging that an affair has occurred is a frightening step. Between the betrayal and the loss of trust, acknowledgement can be both very difficult and painful. Facing the...
What Your Marriage Needs To Heal From An Affair
by Christy Aloisio | Feb 1, 2017
Unfortunately, all too often couples find themselves in the midst of dealing with an affair. The affair can be emotional, physical, or part of an addiction. Even though each...
10 Signs You Have Abandonment Issues
by Kathy | Mar 23, 2016
Abandonment issues? Wondering for sure if you have them or not? You don’t have to have been left in a basket on a church doorstep in order to have abandonment issues. I myself...
Marital Love: Conditional or Unconditional?
by Nancy | Feb 26, 2016
When we think about marital love, we think about commitment and wanting that union to go the distance. We want to think and believe that our love when we're married will never...
Why You Should Be Thankful for Your Marital Crisis
by Christy Aloisio | Feb 19, 2016
I hope I did not lose too many readers after reading the title. Trust me; I know if you are in marital crisis at the moment, there is no part of you that is “thankful.” The pain...
Anger and Healthy Boundaries
by Javan | Jan 26, 2016
Have you felt strongly about something when you're really irritated, but then forget about that same thing like it was no big deal? Or have a bad thing happen that put you in a...
Is Your Pain Too Much?
by Kathy | Nov 3, 2015
Is your pain too great? Who gets to say if it’s too big, too small, or just right? When trauma strikes, make no mistake, you will feel the pain of it. You may sense that you...
If I Could Give Each Person Just One Gift
by Kathy | Apr 28, 2015
If I could give each person just one gift, it would be the gift of being able to truly see themselves through the eyes of the people around them. It would be a sobering gift,...
3 Parts of You
by Kathy | Apr 22, 2015
Do you know the different parts of yourself? Most of us are only vaguely aware of the 3 different parts that I like to talk about in counseling: The Adult, The Little Boy/Girl,...
You Are Addicted to What?
by Christy Aloisio | Mar 4, 2015
When people think of addictions it is usually alcohol, drugs, or sex that first pops into their minds. They often think of these addictions that have 12 step support groups and...
Betrayal, Loss, and Grief
by Javan | Feb 21, 2015
Have you been betrayed by a loved one? Have you felt loss after divorce? Are you grieving a life that didn't happen as you had hoped? Sometimes grief is losing someone you love....
Moving From Victim To Victorious!
by Kathy | Feb 16, 2015
When hardship happens in your life, how do you handle it? Do you metaphorically throw yourself down on the floor and have a kicking, screaming tantrum? Or do you accept it as...
Does An Affair Always End A Marriage?
by Christy Aloisio | Feb 12, 2015
“The only reason this marriage would end is if you cheated on me.” This or some version of this is something most people say before they walk down the aisle. Even if it is not...
Pornography: The Effects
by Nancy | Feb 12, 2015
We’ve heard all the main arguments and reasons to not watch pornography: because it objectifies people, it can be addictive, it’s morally wrong, etc. As we take note of the...
I Blame Myself For Loving You!
by Javan | Feb 6, 2015
Here's a video link for listening/watching instead. Just copy and paste. http://youtu.be/mmuvnvIbdDQ Do you often ask yourself, "What did I do to deserve this? " You are...
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