Category: Communication
Jealousy Struggles

Jealousy Struggles

Jealousy Struggles Becoming jealous of your significant other when they interact with another person of theopposite sex isn’t a pleasant feeling to have, but is something that...

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Therapy: Before The Fire Starts

Therapy: Before The Fire Starts

Maybe you don't think you need therapy. Did you just start a relationship or do you find yourself glancing at the new diamond on your hand?  Or maybe you just celebrated your 5th...

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Am I Being Manipulated?

Am I Being Manipulated?

Do you ever wonder "Am I being manipulated?"  To manipulate, by definition, means to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one’s advantage. This behavior can often be...

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Four Horsemen

Four Horsemen

In the Gottman Theory, John and Julie Gottman use an analogy to describe when a marriage could be on the brink of destruction called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:...

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Do you sometimes get the feeling that your partner is not listening or understanding what you’re trying to say? Are there moments where you leave an argument feeling confused,...

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Rewriting History

Rewriting history is when someone recounts certain events, but they spin or twist the facts around usually so that they are the victim of the story instead of having any fault in...

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Blame Is Ugly The Blame Game is a trap to keep you in a lower position in life. Blaming says, “there’s nothing I can do about how I feel or respond to this scenario. I have no...

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Applying the Love Languages

Applying the Love Languages

Most clients I have met have heard of The Five Love Languages (by Dr. Gary Chapman), and many even know their own preferences. That being said, some struggle to apply this...

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How To Use Your “Wise Mind”

How To Use Your “Wise Mind”

The human brain has two sides, each of which has an important function. Depending on one’s personality and extenuating circumstances, one side may become more active than the...

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The Power of Saying What We NEED

What you need The power of saying what we need in a relationship is absolutely vital to it's success.  Have you ever had a really bad day? A day where it seemed like nothing went...

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Hailstorm vs. Turtle

Hailstorm vs. Turtle

The Hailstorm vs. Turtle is an analogy created by Harville Hendrix to explain some of the very different ways a couple can behave and react within a relationship. Considering all...

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Boundaries 101

Boundaries 101

Welcome to Boundaries 101! Boundaries are a popular and sometimes confusing topic of discussion surrounding relationships. What is a boundary? How do we set healthy boundaries?...

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Overcoming Defensiveness

Overcoming Defensiveness

  Defensiveness: When individuals feel attacked or misunderstood they often act out in ways to protect themselves. Many individuals get defensive when they are feeling...

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