After watching so many goggles cross the TV screen during the Olympics, I was inspired by the goggles the Olympic swimmers and divers used as they courageously competed....
Courage to Face the Fears
by Javan | Jul 8, 2012
Using courage to face your fears means understanding that you don't or won't feel safe in painful situations with your significant other. That doesn't mean that it's healthy to...
“Bullying, Gossiping and the Devil’s Triangle”
by Javan | Jun 24, 2012
Do you know someone who uses humor, gossiping, or backstabbing to address their inner anger towards someone else? Gossiping, judging, getting someone else to be angry with you...
Sex Addiction and the Godfather: Part I
by Javan | Jun 10, 2012
The movie, "The Godfather" is chalk full of family systems theory. What issue did the Godfather NOT suffer from! He seriously was void of a father figure that was...
“You Are Controlling!”
by Javan | Jun 3, 2012
Control isn't about typical jealousy you see in a "lifetime" movie. It's being over productive, doing pre-emptively what others are able to do. Being controlling doesn't mean...
Who Are You Really??
by Javan | May 25, 2012
Who are you really? The typical answers won’t do here….such as student, wife, mom, daughter, father, owner, employee, doctor, lawyer, teacher, brother, lover, husband, etc. These...
Jealousy……But Why?
by Javan | May 20, 2012
Why does negativity stick? Why, when something negative crosses your path, do you feel upset and why does it linger? It seems too often that people define themselves based on...
He Didn’t Know Her
by Javan | May 10, 2012
Inspiration is everywhere in the work of a therapist. There is a fair amount of relationship pain that walks into my office. Many wish to have love, acceptance, and...
How to Improve Your Golf Game (and Maybe Even Your Marriage)
by Christy Aloisio | Apr 19, 2012
I have many clients who enjoy playing golf. I often hear the small talk of, “I am playing golf with my buddies tomorrow,” or “This weather is so great, I think I need to fit in...
Marriage: The Well Oiled Machine
by Christy Aloisio | Apr 15, 2012
Marriage counseling is not really about fixing marriage. Sounds weird, yes I know. But marriage counseling is about fixing you. You are the only one that you can control, and you...
“Self Talk Dictates your Life”
by Javan | Apr 11, 2012
People in Indianapolis seek marriage counseling for many different reasons. Family Tree Counseling provides a unique approach to marital therapy to the Indianapolis area through...
“Truth about Abandonment!” Part II
by Javan | Apr 5, 2012
"So, what happens next? How does my abandonment work in my marriage?" What happens next is our defenses kick into high gear. As adults, in our relationships, we can feel...
“Truth about Abandonment!”
by Javan | Mar 30, 2012
Abandonment happens everyday in our happened in our past and it will happen again. Abandonment is the feeling that says "I did not get what I wanted or needed from...
“Is He Worth Therapy?”
by Javan | Mar 19, 2012
Dealing with someone you love who feels distant, uncommitted, and is possibly having an affair can be gut wrenching and painful. The sting of betrayal, the lousy levels of...
You Never Know How Strong You Are
by imavexadmin | Mar 9, 2012
Reminder: I will be appearing on the show Unfaithful on the Oprah Winfrey Network March 17th at 9 pm. If you are in a marriage where one spouse has been unfaithful or if...
Intimacy, Eyes, and Dogs
by Kathy | Jan 7, 2012
I had an immediate reaction to a study that my husband told me about. He read that ‘if you look a dog in the eye and speak kindly to it, it will behave better.’ My immediate...
What Would You Say To Yourself?
by Kathy | Dec 31, 2011
If you could go back in time, say 10, 20, or 30 years, what would you say to yourself? You’ve lived through some rough stuff since then. You’ve gained wisdom from life...
Take What You’ve Got and Be Thankful
by Kathy | Dec 24, 2011
The words stung and then floated off into the universe. I was only in my 20’s, attending a gathering of friends one night when a 4 year old said those seven powerful words to...
The Gift of the Magi
by Kathy | Dec 18, 2011
Frantically trying to decide what to give your loved one for Christmas this year? You are not alone. While some people delight in the season of giving, far too many people...
Broken Radar
by Kathy | Dec 11, 2011
Are you constantly scanning the environment trying to figure out what your partner is feeling? Do you and your partner seem to be “reading” each other all the time? Do you...
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