What’s Your Anger Telling You?

Everybody gets angry.  It is a normal human emotion that we all have to deal with, but anger gets a bad rap.  Most of us see it as a bad, destructive thing, but our anger is actually trying to tell us something!  If we know what we are doing, understanding our anger...

How To Feel Your Feelings!

Do you really feel your feelings? Do you allow yourself to feel the depths of your emotions?  My guess is, probably not.  There is a lot at stake!!  If you allow yourself to be open and feel the full extent of your feelings, you might feel crazy, out of control, or be...

What’s Your Status In Victimville?

Are you a victim?  Many people think, “Yes!”, because others have wronged them.  And that may be true, however, read on!  You may be more of a victim of a victim mentality than of the people and circumstances around you! A victim mentality is a common dysfunctional...

A Vital Lesson In Life

Henry Cloud was once asked “What is the most important lesson we need to teach our children?”  He answered very simply, “How to deal with loss.” This very wise and profound statement struck a chord with me.  As someone who witnesses people dealing with grief and loss...