Daily Questions To Ask Yourself

Daily Questions To Ask Yourself

Humans can complicate life themselves. Do you believe that to be true? We like to think there is more to the story than there really is. That something must be wrong with us and it cannot be that easy. We tend to overlook the basic needs right in front of our eyes....
Codependency Is Common

Codependency Is Common

The term has such a negative connotation, I’ve found, but codependency is common. Traditionally, codependency has been viewed as an uneven dynamic between two individuals, one being more of the “giver” and one being the “taker”. This terminology can be closely...
The SAD Time of Year

The SAD Time of Year

The time change has occurred. It gets dark at 5pm. The temperature makes it hurt to be outside. The holidays are over. Now, the winter blues have really kicked in. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or also known as seasonal depression, is a type of depression that...
What to do after you get engaged

What to do after you get engaged

Picture this…you just got engaged. You are so full of love and excitement that you are going to spend forever with your person. The wedding planning immediately begins. Venues, photographers, DJ or Band, THE DRESS! You are so wrapped up in the wedding bliss that you...
Relational Jealousy

Relational Jealousy

Relational jealousy is a perfectly natural emotion that we have all experienced at one time or another, but it can definitely be a painful one. This is partially due to the fact that it can encompass a variety of other feelings, combining into one messy ball of...