Book Review: Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab Part 1 Boundaries can feel complicated. Many of us were not taught to have healthy boundaries aschildren and...
3 Signs You Need to Set Boundaries
by Lauren Milton | Feb 22, 2024
3 Signs You Need to Set Boundaries The word boundaries has become a bit of a buzzword in the last few years and it’s not always clear what people mean when they talk...
by Kandice | Feb 2, 2024
Are You Codependent? You may have heard of the word codependence. It may even be something that you are personally aware of in your life or the life of those around you. It can...
Codependent or Counterdependent?
by Rachael | Jul 13, 2023
Maybe you have heard of codependent or counterdependent before, but you don’t think that resonates with you. When you think of codependent, you may think of someone who can’t do...
Codependency Is Common
by Morgan | Mar 2, 2022
The term has such a negative connotation, I’ve found, but codependency is common. Traditionally, codependency has been viewed as an uneven dynamic between two individuals, one...
Are You Not Setting Healthy Boundaries?
by Chelsea | Feb 20, 2021
Are you not setting healthy boundaries? Do you ever feel taken advantage of? Walked all over? When you speak it doesn’t matter what you say? People keep taking and taking from...
Are You Guilty Of Unhealthy Loyalty & Obligation?
by Javan | May 19, 2019
Are you guilty of unhealthy loyalty & obligation? If you're in a relationship with an addict, you can probably are but you may not recognize it. Do you ever ask yourself...
5 Key Recovery Tips After a Toxic Relationship
by Morgan | Mar 16, 2019
Want to know 5 key recovery tips after a toxic relationship? Whether you were with a textbook Narcissist or someone who was simply not a healthy fit for your life. A...
The Pain Of Codependence
by Javan | Apr 25, 2016
If you have codependence, you know it can be painful. But WHY? Where does the pain come from and how can we make it stop? In my opinion, the deepest pain of codependence comes...
The Blame Game
by imavexadmin | Apr 25, 2016
All blame is a waste of time. How can I say that, do you suppose? I mean, come on...there are times when people deserve to get blamed. There IS such a thing as "fault" after...
Insulation vs. Isolation
by Nancy | Mar 21, 2016
By we are going to talk about a way of thinking, a paradigm that will help navigate the waters of relationship with folks that may not always be all that safe....
Toxic Relationships
by Javan | Mar 11, 2016
Toxic relationships can include family, friends, co-workers, intimate partners, spouses, just about anyone. Even an acquaintance. Though toxic relationships tend to seem okay on...
The Illusion of Control
by Nancy | Mar 7, 2016
Control is a really common topic in my office. One very simplistic definition of anxiety is "an over-focus on things that may or may not happen," in other words...thinking too...
Why Do You NEED To Win The Argument?
by Kathy | Jan 19, 2016
Why do some arguments never end? Why do you need to win? Why do you just have to get the other person to see it your way? These are the very things that keep many couples...
Choosing Your People
by Karen | Jan 17, 2016
It is a bright moment in a person's life when the realization comes that there are choices in relationships and the form, substance and significance of those relationships. We...
Boundary vs. Ultimatum
by Nancy | Oct 10, 2015
I cannot tell you how many times I have helped folks who have difficulties having boundaries to develop better ones, only to have their spouses get super reactive to those new...
Mindfulness – One Experience
by Karen | Sep 27, 2015
It was Friday evening at twilight, her mindfulness time. She left all electronics, except her phone, in the house and carried her glass of Pinot out to the back deck. Sitting...
Journey Back to Loving (Part 2, sort of)
by Karen | Sep 7, 2015
Is your sense of unworthiness keeping you from embracing, communicating, and meeting your emotional needs? Let's talk. The original intent of this writing was to discuss the book...
Is Your No Broken?
by Kathy | Aug 12, 2015
Is your No broken? Do you find you can't say No? Tired of your mouth saying “Yes” when your brain says “No”? Do you accept invitations out of guilt instead of desire? Do you...
Yes, or No?
by Nancy | Jul 22, 2015
I ran across a really good quote today that spoke to me. Louie Giglio said "Whenever you say yes to something, there is less of you for something else. Make sure your yes is...
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