Category: Family Counseling
Letting Go Of Grown Children

Letting Go Of Grown Children

How Letting Go Can Improve Your Relationship   You watch your little babies grow into toddlers, into school kids, into teenagers, and then into young adults. Through every...

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Blending Families

Blending Families

Ah, the blended family. Every parent’s dream, right? Obviously when we start our lives, we don’t count on ending up in a situation like this. The happily ever after in our minds...

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Co-Parenting Rulebook

Co-Parenting Rulebook

Wishing there was a Co-Parenting Rulebook?  Parenting alone is hard enough, but parents who are no longer together can opt to continue to work together in order to best serve the...

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The Pain Of Projection

The Pain Of Projection

I recently got a vivid reminder of the power - and pain - of projection. Projection is when you project your worst beliefs or fears about yourself onto someone else and believe...

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A True Test Of Character

Want a true test of your character?  Try answering these questions . . .  Does your spouse respect you?  Do people view you as humble?  Do your co-workers trust you to do the...

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Say What You Mean

Say What You Mean

Communication.  It sounds simple and easy enough. More often than not, we don't say what we mean. And most of the time, we don't express what we feel. If you feel you're...

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Journey Back to Loving (Part 1)

Why do I have to ask him over and over again to take out the trash? I have heard this or a similar question more than once during a first session with couples. Sounds petty? It...

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Why is it all My fault?

Do you ever wonder how your spouse seemed one way when you first met but then turned out to be a totally different person after a few years?? At first, you can’t imagine how this...

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Resentment and Anger in Marriage

Resentment is defined as “Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.” (Wikipedia, 2013) Feeling piqued and angry, indignation takes energy, is depleting, and taints the...

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Where Does Narcissism Come From?

Let me begin today by saying that I am not a fan of labels at all.  I think that labels are for people who need to group people together for their own purposes, like insurance...

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Emotional Anorexia

Most people are familiar with the term anorexia.  When they hear the term they think of an eating disorder. People can also suffer from emotional anorexia. I see emotional...

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Heart of Gratitude

Without the trust of clients it is not possible to provide good therapy. “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities - brilliantly disguised as insoluable problems.” -...

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Love and Anxiety

For the purpose of this blog, I’m discussing anxiousness that many people feel that takes away their ability to be present or stable during relationship conflict. Many people...

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The Shame Pimp

The Shame Pimp

The Shame Pimp steals your time, hope, and self-respect. What makes you doubt your abilities? What steals your joy? Becoming disillusioned by shame creates over reactions and...

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