7 Impact of Social Media on a Relationships In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From sharing moments with friends to keeping up...
1 Intense Concern of Social Media and Teenagers
by Sarita Barthuly | Nov 20, 2024
1 Intense Concern of Social Media and Teenagers There is an increasing concern linked to social media and teenagers in today's society. This is a pattern that I consistently keep...
Matthew Perry: The Ugly Truth of Addiction
by Chelsea | Nov 5, 2023
The One Where We Lost A Friend: Matthew Perry and the Ugly Truth of Addiction The world mourns the loss of Matthew Perry, a beloved actor who brought laughter and joy to...
Addiction: Substances Are Not The Problem
by Kandice | Sep 21, 2022
In this day addiction has been talked about as being a problem in many people's lives. Family members engage in interventions to help their loved ones know that their use is a...
5 Ways to Focus on Recovery During Quarantine
by Christy Aloisio | Apr 21, 2020
If your recovery from alcohol, sex, food, or drug addiction has suffered from being in quarantine, here are 5 way to focus on recovery during quarantine. Know that you are not...
5 Signs You May Have a Sexual Addiction
by Christy Aloisio | Nov 11, 2019
Unfortunately, I continue to see more and more clients in my office who are struggling with sexual addiction. . . here are 5 signs you may have a sexual addiction. Even though...
Are You Guilty Of Unhealthy Loyalty & Obligation?
by Javan | May 19, 2019
Are you guilty of unhealthy loyalty & obligation? If you're in a relationship with an addict, you can probably are but you may not recognize it. Do you ever ask yourself...
It’s All About Them: Living With An Addict
by Javan | May 3, 2019
When living with an addict, it's all about them. Conversations, resources, time and other moments in your shared life tend to revolve around the addicted person. Do you...
Are You Addicted To Your Smart Phone?
by Danielle | Feb 1, 2019
Are you addicted to your smart phone? How do we wrestle with the VERY real connection we have with our cellphones? For a weekend, I tried “breaking up” with my phone, after...
What’s Your Netflix Binge Trying To Tell You?
by Danielle | Dec 11, 2018
Have you ever wondered what your Netflix binge might be trying to tell you? Maybe you have caught yourself binging a TV show and noticed the crumb-covered blanket crater...
Am I Struggling with Sexual Addiction?
by Christy Aloisio | Apr 11, 2017
Sex addiction is a word that is thrown around quite a bit these days. Lots of people want to diagnose a loved one, debates are had on whether it is truly an addiction, and there...
Sometimes Intimacy Hurts
by Kathy | Sep 20, 2016
Today I would like to discuss one of the finer points of intimacy. There is a mis-conception I’d like to take a swing at clearing up, about what intimacy actually is and how to...
Are You Holding Yourself Back?
by imavexadmin | May 31, 2016
What’s holding you back? What keeps you from losing weight? Getting the job of your dreams? Quitting smoking or drinking? Saving money? Improving your life or your...
10 Signs You Have Abandonment Issues
by Kathy | Mar 23, 2016
Abandonment issues? Wondering for sure if you have them or not? You don’t have to have been left in a basket on a church doorstep in order to have abandonment issues. I myself...
What Is Your Anger Pointing To?
by Kathy | Jan 31, 2016
What is your anger pointing to? This is such a difficult, but oh so important question because most of us think we know the answer. And when we “ know” the answer, we naturally...
The Valley Of The Shadow
by Nancy | Dec 15, 2015
Folks come to my office asking for counsel on all kinds of things. Anger issues, help with communication, depression, anxiety, marital problems, trauma or addiction...
If I Could Give Each Person Just One Gift
by Kathy | Apr 28, 2015
If I could give each person just one gift, it would be the gift of being able to truly see themselves through the eyes of the people around them. It would be a sobering gift,...
3 Parts of You
by Kathy | Apr 22, 2015
Do you know the different parts of yourself? Most of us are only vaguely aware of the 3 different parts that I like to talk about in counseling: The Adult, The Little Boy/Girl,...
Are You Holding Yourself Back?
by Kathy | Apr 12, 2015
Are you holding yourself back? I read something recently about self-limiting beliefs and it reminded me how important our thoughts are. I was holding myself back and didn’t...
Cutting: Why People Self-Harm
by Nancy | Mar 23, 2015
This is an uncomfortable topic for most folks, but it is very important not to shy away from it whether you struggle with cutting or self-harm yourself, or if know someone who...
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