Remember the saying, “you should never talk about sex, religion or politics at the dinner table,”? Well, today I want to talk about how politics may be causing problems in your...
Couple’s Therapy
by Morgan | Dec 23, 2022
“I really don’t know if I want to be in this relationship anymore. I just want to know that we tried everything we could.” I hear different versions of this statement from a new...
Attachment Styles
by Morgan | Nov 22, 2022
We each have a level of both secure attachment and insecure attachment within us. Our attachment styles are formed by early experience and the way we are affected by our bonds...
How To Deal With A Manipulator
by Rachael | Aug 18, 2022
Most people have been in contact with an individual who knows how to turn the concerning situation that you have brought to them, onto you. Now you are the person in the wrong,...
by Kandice | Aug 8, 2022
Do you sometimes get the feeling that your partner is not listening or understanding what you’re trying to say? Are there moments where you leave an argument feeling confused,...
Qualities that Facilitate Change
by Morgan | Aug 1, 2022
In the midst of a huge movement in our country, many are unsure of how to help, what to do, or how to process. Each of us has a unique skillset and ability to make a difference...
5 Ways to Focus on Recovery During Quarantine
by Christy Aloisio | Apr 21, 2020
If your recovery from alcohol, sex, food, or drug addiction has suffered from being in quarantine, here are 5 way to focus on recovery during quarantine. Know that you are not...
5 Reasons To Go To Therapy
by Chelsea | Oct 7, 2019
Have you been thinking about going to see a therapist, but there has been something holding you back? You find yourself making excuses on finances, not having the time, or...
Is It Too Late For Marriage Counseling?
by Kathy | Nov 28, 2017
Someone asked me recently if, by the time a couple seeks marriage counseling, is it already too late? Excellent question! Let me make 2 points in answering this question . . ....
The Pain Of Projection
by Kathy | Dec 14, 2016
I recently got a vivid reminder of the power - and pain - of projection. Projection is when you project your worst beliefs or fears about yourself onto someone else and believe...
Sometimes Intimacy Hurts
by Kathy | Sep 20, 2016
Today I would like to discuss one of the finer points of intimacy. There is a mis-conception I’d like to take a swing at clearing up, about what intimacy actually is and how to...
The Cure For Loneliness
by Nancy | Aug 3, 2016
There are lots of times when clients come in to my office and talk about feeling lonely. They may even be married and have lots of friends, and still they say that they are...
The Seven Year *itch
by Nancy | Apr 10, 2016
If you can pardon the somewhat vulgar insinuation, I promise I have a point to my choice for the title of this blog. I just brewed up some Wild Mountain Blueberry coffee and am...
Toxic Relationships
by Javan | Mar 11, 2016
Toxic relationships can include family, friends, co-workers, intimate partners, spouses, just about anyone. Even an acquaintance. Though toxic relationships tend to seem okay on...
Marital Love: Conditional or Unconditional?
by Nancy | Feb 26, 2016
When we think about marital love, we think about commitment and wanting that union to go the distance. We want to think and believe that our love when we're married will never...
Why You Should Be Thankful for Your Marital Crisis
by Christy Aloisio | Feb 19, 2016
I hope I did not lose too many readers after reading the title. Trust me; I know if you are in marital crisis at the moment, there is no part of you that is “thankful.” The pain...
Why Can’t You Just Love Me?
by Javan | Feb 16, 2016
Love and connection...that's what clients want that come in for marriage counseling. The multiple divorces and remarriages are evidence of the lack of love people feel in...
What Is Your Anger Pointing To?
by Kathy | Jan 31, 2016
What is your anger pointing to? This is such a difficult, but oh so important question because most of us think we know the answer. And when we “ know” the answer, we naturally...
Giving and Recieving Love
by Javan | Dec 4, 2015
Allow others to love you! Do you know how to love yourself and others? Your family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, strangers, neighbors? Do you know how to let others love...
Say What You Mean
by Javan | Nov 12, 2015
Communication. It sounds simple and easy enough. More often than not, we don't say what we mean. And most of the time, we don't express what we feel. If you feel you're...
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