Relational jealousy is a perfectly natural emotion that we have all experienced at one time or another, but it can definitely be a painful one. This is partially due to the fact...
Is Toxic Positivity Causing A Problem?
by Chelsea | May 6, 2020
Have you ever heard of toxic positivity? A good example is when you've opened up to someone about your feelings or what you have been struggling with and they responded back...
by Javan | Jan 30, 2020
Blame Is Ugly The Blame Game is a trap to keep you in a lower position in life. Blaming says, “there’s nothing I can do about how I feel or respond to this scenario. I have no...
Living In Reactivity
by Karen | Jan 16, 2020
Have you ever been in a relationship living in reactivity, feeling like a screech owl? Some people believe no one can ‘make’ us feel anything. They believe it is all up to us....
How To Use Your “Wise Mind”
by Morgan | Dec 25, 2019
Learning how to use your "wise mind" can be a lifesaver in having healthy, stable relationships that thrive instead of just survive. The human brain has two sides, each of which...
Surviving the Holidays
by Chelsea | Dec 8, 2019
The holidays are supposed to be a joyous time with friends and family but sometimes we might need a little help surviving the holidays. Unfortunately, the holidays don’t always...
How To Keep Your Power When Arguing
by Kathy | Sep 20, 2019
Kathy Henry's video on how to keep your power when arguing. This simple trick can help you keep the upper hand when arguing or fighting with your partner or spouse!...
The Power of Saying What We NEED
by Chelsea | Sep 8, 2019
What you need The power of saying what we need in a relationship is absolutely vital to it's success. Have you ever had a really bad day? A day where it seemed like nothing went...
Hailstorm vs. Turtle
by Karen | Jun 25, 2019
The Hailstorm vs. Turtle is an analogy created by Harville Hendrix to explain some of the very different ways a couple can behave and react within a relationship. Considering all...
Is the Friendship Still Worth It?
by Chelsea | Jun 12, 2019
Ever wonder, "Is the Friendship Still Worth It?" Have you ever had a friend who was a huge part of your life and has been through it all with you? Who has gone through the good...
5 Things I’ve Learned Since My Divorce
by Kathy | May 29, 2019
I was recently pondering 5 things I’ve learned since my divorce. I don’t take divorce lightly and trust me, I agonized hard in making the decision, but if divorce is something...
Are You Guilty Of Unhealthy Loyalty & Obligation?
by Javan | May 19, 2019
Are you guilty of unhealthy loyalty & obligation? If you're in a relationship with an addict, you can probably are but you may not recognize it. Do you ever ask yourself...
5 Key Recovery Tips After a Toxic Relationship
by Morgan | Mar 16, 2019
Want to know 5 key recovery tips after a toxic relationship? Whether you were with a textbook Narcissist or someone who was simply not a healthy fit for your life. A...
7 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Narcissist
by Jasleen | Nov 20, 2018
If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, it is like being on a roller coaster. The highs can be high but the lows can be very low. The up and down nature of the...
5 Habits to Revitalize your Relationship Today
by Jasleen | Jan 9, 2018
Focus on the positives instead of the negative things your partner does. A sign of an ailing relationship are couples who can easily point out all of the negative things their...
Why the Fantasy of Marriage is Killing Our Relationships
by Christy Aloisio | Jan 9, 2018
Always being happy We hear it all the time, right? Two become one. Now that you are married you are supposed to share everything and this other person is supposed to be your...
Fantasy vs. Reality of Love
by Jasleen | Jul 12, 2017
When I meet, the one our eyes will connect from across the room and we’ll both just know each other is the one and live happily ever after. Don’t we all wish our lives could be...
Should Love be Conditional or Unconditional
by Christy Aloisio | Jun 30, 2017
As you walked down the aisle on your wedding day or waited at the alter for your bride, we often do not have a realistic view of marriage. We are still in the honeymoon, head...
Am I Codependent?
by Christy Aloisio | Jun 1, 2017
If I had a dime for every person who sat on my couch that saw him/herself as a strong, independent, and powerful person that was actually codependent in their significant...
The Last Thing She Needs To Hear When She’s Angry
by Kathy | May 15, 2017
She’s going to get angry. There’s no possible way you can spend the rest of your life with someone and not have them get angry at you at some point. It is hard to join our lives...
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