Category: Relationships

Letting Go of Resentment.

What is one issue that has been a common theme that hurts and even destroys relationships? I would define it as a marriage killer. The issue is resentment. Even working a lot...

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Humility is Sexy

Humility is just absolutely essential for good healthy relationships. It brings us closer, connects us on a deep emotional level, and transcends our relationships to new heights....

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The Pain Of Projection

The Pain Of Projection

I recently got a vivid reminder of the power - and pain - of projection. Projection is when you project your worst beliefs or fears about yourself onto someone else and believe...

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The Cure For Loneliness

There are lots of times when clients come in to my office and talk about feeling lonely. They may even be married and have lots of friends, and still they say that they are...

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Instant Gratification

Wow, do we live in a culture that loves it some instant gratification, am I right? I’m reminded of a video I saw once where a gal was going around asking random people on the...

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It’s normal to feel frustrated, stuck in a pattern, or unhappy with life circumstances. It’s also normal to know what causes frustration, irritation, and disappointment. The...

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“It’s Going to be OK”

I had a client the other day remind me of something that illustrates a great point about being a good friend…particularly being a good friend when your friend is in pain for some...

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Your Thoughts Make Your Reality

The stories we tell ourselves influence how we behave, decisions we make, and how we see others and ourselves. What if thoughts we have, make a reality we don't like? Ask...

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The Blame Game

All blame is a waste of time.  How can I say that, do you suppose?  I mean, come on...there are times when people deserve to get blamed.  There IS such a thing as "fault" after...

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The Seven Year *itch

If you can pardon the somewhat vulgar insinuation, I promise I have a point to my choice for the title of this blog.  I just brewed up some Wild Mountain Blueberry coffee and am...

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Insulation vs. Isolation

By we are going to talk about a way of thinking, a paradigm that will help navigate the waters of relationship with folks that may not always be all that safe....

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The Illusion of Control

Control is a really common topic in my office. One very simplistic definition of anxiety is "an over-focus on things that may or may not happen," in other words...thinking too...

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Why Can’t You Just Love Me?

Love and connection...that's what clients want that come in for marriage counseling. The multiple divorces and remarriages are evidence of the lack of love people feel in...

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What Is Your Anger Pointing To?

What is your anger pointing to?  This is such a difficult, but oh so important question because most of us think we know the answer. And when we “ know” the answer, we naturally...

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Anger and Healthy Boundaries

Have you felt strongly about something when you're really irritated, but then forget about that same thing like it was no big deal? Or have a bad thing happen that put you in a...

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Choosing Your People

Choosing Your People

It is a bright moment in a person's life when the realization comes that there are choices in relationships and the form, substance and significance of those relationships. We...

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When Expectations Meet Reality

We don't often think about the realm between expectation and reality. Usually, people move through life believing and trusting that everyday expectations and big picture...

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