What is your anger pointing to? This is such a difficult, but oh so important question because most of us think we know the answer. And when we “ know” the answer, we naturally...
by Nancy | Jan 3, 2016
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” ~Theodore Roosevelt Do you remember the game “Roshambo”? You might know it better as “Rock, Paper, Scissors.” Did you play this game as a kid?...
Constructive Criticism
by Nancy | Nov 28, 2015
Is there such a thing as constructive criticism? I was listening to a training by John and Julie Gottman, a couple of the most well-respected couples therapists and researchers,...
A Matter of Perspective
by Javan | Nov 2, 2015
I was in a training session the other day about taking a biblical approach to anxiety and depression counseling, and a picture came into my mind about our perspectives in life...
Caregiver Burnout
by Nancy | Sep 14, 2015
Those who spend a great deal of their life caring for others...whether that be an ailing family member, someone with a chronic or terminal illness, or your patients if you work...
What Kind of Self-Care Are You Getting?
by Kathy | Jun 18, 2015
What happens if you don’t get self-care in a healthy way? You will get it in an unhealthy way! Don’t believe me? Read on to learn the difference between the two and then see...
Why Everyone Needs Therapy!
by Kathy | May 14, 2015
I am of the opinion that just about everyone needs therapy. Why? Primarily because we can’t see into our own issues! We see ourselves and our decisions the way we WANT to see...
Your Critical Inner Voice
by Javan | May 8, 2015
What does your internal critical voice say about you? What do you hear? If you listen, you might hear an overly critical voice. What is an inner critical voice? A critical voice...
Know Yourself
by Javan | May 3, 2015
Are you living or existing? Do you know if you're making choices based on past life hurts or are you able to really see life in the "here and now?" Life is full of ups, downs,...
If I Could Give Each Person Just One Gift
by Kathy | Apr 28, 2015
If I could give each person just one gift, it would be the gift of being able to truly see themselves through the eyes of the people around them. It would be a sobering gift,...
Are You Holding Yourself Back?
by Kathy | Apr 12, 2015
Are you holding yourself back? I read something recently about self-limiting beliefs and it reminded me how important our thoughts are. I was holding myself back and didn’t...
Letting Go Of Resentment
by Nancy | Apr 6, 2015
Resentment is so incredibly common. We all feel wronged by someone at some time or another, and where there is blame, over and over again, there is resentment. Everyone walking...
Are Your Emotions Unstable?
by Kathy | Apr 6, 2015
Do your emotions sometimes feel unstable? Do you find yourself doing things you thought or promised you wouldn’t do? Does your partner? You may be experiencing what I call the...
The Art of Listening
by Nancy | Mar 29, 2015
As a therapist, you can imagine the importance of being a good listener. Listening is a must-master skill for this profession, and it is not one that we humans are born with,...
How You Might Be Blocking Your Own Needs!
by Kathy | Mar 2, 2015
Do you ever become aware of a need and then immediately feel guilty? Or maybe you have a need but feel guilty asking for it to be met? Perhaps you hesitate asking for your need...
The Cure For Anxiety?
by Nancy | Mar 1, 2015
Pretty bold claim to make, don't you think? That there is a cure for something so commonplace in our society today that it plagues nearly everyone from time to time, and some...
How To Gain Control Over Your Life
by Kathy | Feb 23, 2015
Want more control over your life? It is much easier than you think! We spend so much of our time feeling anxious and out of control and we expend so much energy ruminating and...
Why I Don’t Give Advice
by Nancy | Feb 22, 2015
It's pretty common for people to seek out a counselor to get some advice. They want answers, a referee, an expert to tell them how to get out of the place they find themselves...
How To Get The Fastest Results From Counseling
by Kathy | Feb 8, 2015
Let’s be real. Nobody really wants to have to go to counseling anyway. There are plenty more fun and interesting things tugging at our To Do Lists . . .but if you have to go, how...
Why Is Marriage So Hard?
by Kathy | Feb 1, 2015
Why is marriage so hard? We meet the person who fits us perfectly and the love flows so freely, it is difficult to imagine it could ever be hard. So why is it so tough? I have 4...
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