Are You Plagued With Imposter Syndrome? You find you are second guessing yourself, your skill level, your education, and don’t feel worthy to have a few extra letters behind...
Confidence Is Calling
by Rachael | Jun 14, 2024
How To Build Your Confidence You know the people; they just seem to have the confidence of the world wherever they walk. You know logically, they have insecurities, just like...
Daily Questions To Ask Yourself
by Rachael | Aug 1, 2022
Humans can complicate life themselves. Do you believe that to be true? We like to think there is more to the story than there really is. That something must be wrong with us and...
Thought Processing
by Rachael | Jul 13, 2021
We think of food every day, from the moment we open our eyes in the morning. We know what is healthy, what we want after a stressful day, or what tastes the best when we feel...
Rewriting History
by Kathy | Apr 29, 2020
Rewriting history is when someone recounts certain events, but they spin or twist the facts around usually so that they are the victim of the story instead of having any fault in...
Is Comparison Stealing Your Happiness?
by Chelsea | Sep 16, 2019
Is comparison stealing your happiness? Have you ever gone to a friend’s new home and then looked at yours and wanted more? Did you ever run into someone you went to high school...
Are You Letting Your Emotions Control You?
by Jasleen | Jan 23, 2019
Are you letting your emotions control you instead of the other way around? Maybe you get angry and lash out with insults and criticisms you regret later. Or, maybe you feel like...
Guilt? Ok Shame? No Way!
by Karen | Feb 23, 2018
GUILT? OK SHAME? NO WAY Allowing guilt to manifest in shame is a harmful process that occurs way too often. Guilt is healthy. Shame is unhealthy. But I am far ahead of myself,...
Shame, Shame, Shame!
by Jasleen | Oct 3, 2017
Healthy shame: I did something bad. I hurt someone’s feelings when I said that and feel bad about it. Toxic shame: I am bad. I am worthless and an utter failure. Do you see the...
The Pain Of Codependence
by Javan | Apr 25, 2016
If you have codependence, you know it can be painful. But WHY? Where does the pain come from and how can we make it stop? In my opinion, the deepest pain of codependence comes...
Your Thoughts Make Your Reality
by Javan | Apr 25, 2016
The stories we tell ourselves influence how we behave, decisions we make, and how we see others and ourselves. What if thoughts we have, make a reality we don't like? Ask...
Guilt vs. Shame
by Nancy | Feb 3, 2016
While it may seem that these words are synonyms, there is a difference between guilt and shame. A very important difference, actually. I just made myself some wild mountain...
Why Do You NEED To Win The Argument?
by Kathy | Jan 19, 2016
Why do some arguments never end? Why do you need to win? Why do you just have to get the other person to see it your way? These are the very things that keep many couples...
Constructive Criticism
by Nancy | Nov 28, 2015
Is there such a thing as constructive criticism? I was listening to a training by John and Julie Gottman, a couple of the most well-respected couples therapists and researchers,...
Your Critical Inner Voice
by Javan | May 8, 2015
What does your internal critical voice say about you? What do you hear? If you listen, you might hear an overly critical voice. What is an inner critical voice? A critical voice...
If I Could Give Each Person Just One Gift
by Kathy | Apr 28, 2015
If I could give each person just one gift, it would be the gift of being able to truly see themselves through the eyes of the people around them. It would be a sobering gift,...
3 Parts of You
by Kathy | Apr 22, 2015
Do you know the different parts of yourself? Most of us are only vaguely aware of the 3 different parts that I like to talk about in counseling: The Adult, The Little Boy/Girl,...
Moving From Victim To Victorious!
by Kathy | Feb 16, 2015
When hardship happens in your life, how do you handle it? Do you metaphorically throw yourself down on the floor and have a kicking, screaming tantrum? Or do you accept it as...
I Blame Myself For Loving You!
by Javan | Feb 6, 2015
Here's a video link for listening/watching instead. Just copy and paste. Do you often ask yourself, "What did I do to deserve this? " You are...
Procrastination and Perfectionism
by Nancy | Jan 31, 2015
Today we are going to look at what procrastination and perfectionism have to do with each other. Do you have procrastination tendencies, like me? Do you wish you could stop,...
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