anticipatory grief
Matthew Perry: The Ugly Truth of Addiction
by Chelsea | Nov 5, 2023
The One Where We Lost A Friend: Matthew Perry and the Ugly Truth of Addiction The world mourns the loss of Matthew Perry, a beloved actor who brought laughter and joy to...
How To Trust Yourself
by Rachael | Jan 31, 2023
Learning to trust yourself is the single most imperative quality to have in a relationship. Without trust, you are unable to build a solid foundation. It’s similar to building a...
Grief Assistance
by Rachael | Dec 15, 2022
Grief: We all have lost someone in our lives. Some closer to us than others. No matter if it was foreseen or unexpected, the impact a death has on us makes us pivot a bit in...
Grief During the Holidays
by Chelsea | Dec 18, 2020
Most people are fortunate enough to not have to think about grief during the holidays. Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day are supposed to be a blissful time. You get to...
“It’s Going to be OK”
by Nancy | Jun 9, 2016
I had a client the other day remind me of something that illustrates a great point about being a good friend…particularly being a good friend when your friend is in pain for some...
10 Signs You Have Abandonment Issues
by Kathy | Mar 23, 2016
Abandonment issues? Wondering for sure if you have them or not? You don’t have to have been left in a basket on a church doorstep in order to have abandonment issues. I myself...
Finding Your Happy
by Kathy | Jan 4, 2016
Where do you find your happy? So many of us spend our lives chasing it. Dreaming of it. Hoping for it. Waiting on it. Mourning the fact that it hasn’t come yet. Is it really...
Is Your Pain Too Much?
by Kathy | Nov 3, 2015
Is your pain too great? Who gets to say if it’s too big, too small, or just right? When trauma strikes, make no mistake, you will feel the pain of it. You may sense that you...
3 Parts of You
by Kathy | Apr 22, 2015
Do you know the different parts of yourself? Most of us are only vaguely aware of the 3 different parts that I like to talk about in counseling: The Adult, The Little Boy/Girl,...
How To Gain Control Over Your Life
by Kathy | Feb 23, 2015
Want more control over your life? It is much easier than you think! We spend so much of our time feeling anxious and out of control and we expend so much energy ruminating and...
Moving From Victim To Victorious!
by Kathy | Feb 16, 2015
When hardship happens in your life, how do you handle it? Do you metaphorically throw yourself down on the floor and have a kicking, screaming tantrum? Or do you accept it as...
Divorce Is A Tragedy Of The Heart
by Kathy | Oct 12, 2014
Divorce is a tragedy of the heart. I don’t encourage it and I certainly don’t judge anyone who has had to go through it. Sadly, I have joined those ranks recently myself. No...
Grieving the Unborn Child – For Benjamin
by Karen | Dec 29, 2013
There is a form of grief which is difficult for many people to acknowledge or accept. This is the grief associated with unborn children. The parent of the unborn child is...
Holiday Stress at Family Gatherings (or Finding Joy in New Traditions)
by Karen | Dec 1, 2013
Holiday stress associated with family gatherings is a common topic of conversation and the subject of many jokes. A client brought me a package of cocktail napkins with an...
Grief and Grieving
by Javan | Feb 10, 2013
Grief and Grieving I am a Mom Who has not experienced child birth Who does not know what its like to send her child off to school Or watch my baby sleep I am a Mom without...
Coping With Tragedy
by Kathy | Jun 13, 2010
In an instant, life changed forever for 2 people and their families yesterday. A young teenage boy set out on his moped for a friend’s house with surely nothing on his mind but...
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