Category: Self-Help
True Self-Care Is A Struggle

True Self-Care Is A Struggle

It is such a common misconception that self-care always feels good. Socially, self-care can start to be identified by things like retail therapy, bubble baths and Netflix-binges....

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Toxic Masculinity

Toxic Masculinity

In today’s world, mental health has become such an important topic and the perception around it has completely changed for the better. However, society has created a narrative...

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Qualities that Facilitate Change

Qualities that Facilitate Change

In the midst of a huge movement in our country, many are unsure of how to help, what to do, or how to process. Each of us has a unique skillset and ability to make a difference...

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Daily Questions To Ask Yourself

Daily Questions To Ask Yourself

Humans can complicate life themselves. Do you believe that to be true? We like to think there is more to the story than there really is. That something must be wrong with us and...

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Relational Jealousy

Relational Jealousy

Relational jealousy is a perfectly natural emotion that we have all experienced at one time or another, but it can definitely be a painful one. This is partially due to the fact...

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Thought Processing

Thought Processing

We think of food every day, from the moment we open our eyes in the morning. We know what is healthy, what we want after a stressful day, or what tastes the best when we feel...

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Living Life Being Intentional

Living Life Being Intentional

Are you living life being intentional? We are faced with a dozen choices a day. Some of these choices may be a little more meniscal than others, but they are still choices we...

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Managing Daily Stress

Managing Daily Stress

How are you doing managing daily stress? I don’t believe many of us are strangers to heightened stress levels in today’s time. Productivity, success, and achievement are guiding...

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Grief During the Holidays

Grief During the Holidays

Most people are fortunate enough to not have to think about grief during the holidays. Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day are supposed to be a blissful time. You get to...

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Let’s Talk Burn Out

Let’s Talk Burn Out

Ah, let’s talk burn out—I can guarantee most of us know the feeling, but what does it really mean? According to, burn out is “a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress”. Understanding what it looks like can be difficult, as we all have different reactions to stress. Here are some misconceptions and some tips on recovering from it.

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Beating the Winter Blues

Beating the Winter Blues

This time of year can be hard—the holiday season brings varied reactions and some very mixed feelings for a lot of people. Wintertime is tough: it’s gray, it’s cold; it begins to...

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Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays

The holidays are supposed to be a joyous time with friends and family but sometimes we might need a little help surviving the holidays. Unfortunately, the holidays don’t always...

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A Busy Person’s Guide To Self-Care

A Busy Person’s Guide To Self-Care

Never a good time “I’m too busy”, “there isn’t enough time in the day”, and “I feel guilty”, are just some of the reasons people give me when I ask them why they aren’t doing...

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Where Is Your Anger Coming From?

Where Is Your Anger Coming From?

Where is your anger coming from? Is everyone mean? Or are we just sleepy, thirsty, or hungry? I recently had a session with a couple that wanted to work on communication in their...

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Hailstorm vs. Turtle

Hailstorm vs. Turtle

The Hailstorm vs. Turtle is an analogy created by Harville Hendrix to explain some of the very different ways a couple can behave and react within a relationship. Considering all...

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Is the Friendship Still Worth It?

Is the Friendship Still Worth It?

Ever wonder, "Is the Friendship Still Worth It?"  Have you ever had a friend who was a huge part of your life and has been through it all with you? Who has gone through the good...

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