Is comparison stealing your happiness? Have you ever gone to a friend’s new home and then looked at yours and wanted more? Did you ever run into someone you went to high school...
Hailstorm vs. Turtle
by Karen | Jun 25, 2019
The Hailstorm vs. Turtle is an analogy created by Harville Hendrix to explain some of the very different ways a couple can behave and react within a relationship. Considering all...
Is the Friendship Still Worth It?
by Chelsea | Jun 12, 2019
Ever wonder, "Is the Friendship Still Worth It?" Have you ever had a friend who was a huge part of your life and has been through it all with you? Who has gone through the good...
It’s Not Selfish, It’s Self-Care
by Jasleen | Mar 5, 2019
If you’ve ever been on a flight they always tell you “put your mask on first before assisting others.” Why do they say this? Because you’re no good to anyone if you pass out...
Are You Letting Your Emotions Control You?
by Jasleen | Jan 23, 2019
Are you letting your emotions control you instead of the other way around? Maybe you get angry and lash out with insults and criticisms you regret later. Or, maybe you feel like...
What’s Your Netflix Binge Trying To Tell You?
by Danielle | Dec 11, 2018
Have you ever wondered what your Netflix binge might be trying to tell you? Maybe you have caught yourself binging a TV show and noticed the crumb-covered blanket crater...
Are You Suffering From Caregiver Burnout?
by Javan | Mar 16, 2018
Are you suffering from caregiver burnout? Exhausted? Spent? Not working with the same compassionate heart that got you into the profession you're in? You may be suffering from...
Is Success A Moving Target (Part II)
by Danielle | Mar 10, 2018
Does success feel like a moving target? In Part 1 we explored the idea that when success feels out of reach, we begin to tell ourselves a story that sounds similar to: I’m not...
Guilt? Ok Shame? No Way!
by Karen | Feb 23, 2018
GUILT? OK SHAME? NO WAY Allowing guilt to manifest in shame is a harmful process that occurs way too often. Guilt is healthy. Shame is unhealthy. But I am far ahead of myself,...
A Matter of Perspective
by imavexadmin | Feb 21, 2018
Lately, the phrase "first world problems" has been buzzing around. One minute, our problems can seem so huge and life-changing and the next, after some perspective, the same...
Is Success A Moving Target? (Part I)
by Danielle | Jan 30, 2018
How do we know what success looks like? What does it feel like? Is success something tangible (money), or a state of being (happiness)? For me, success can sometimes feel like...
Self-Care: The Greatest Gift
by Danielle | Nov 28, 2017
Does this sound like you? “How long is this going to take?” “I’m busy.” “I don’t have TIME for this.” If so, you’re not alone. Do you have time for self-care? We have a lot to do...
Who Is Ready For A Change?
by Karen | Oct 17, 2017
Who is ready for a change? It might appear obvious that the reason we embark upon the journey of therapy is a quest for change. As a therapist, I confirm this concept. One...
What Should I Bring to Therapy?
by Christy Aloisio | Sep 5, 2017
Starting counseling can be pretty intimidating. I think it can be even more intimidating to come with your spouse. I definitely empathize with my clients on this and try to make...
Working on Your Sense of Self
by Christy Aloisio | Aug 8, 2017
I was reading a book recently and ran across a quote that really struck me, “When self-love depends on externals, on others’ opinions of what you are and do, the self is...
Why is Change So Hard
by Christy Aloisio | Jul 25, 2017
People sometimes want to give up or do give up on their quest for emotional change. Let’s face it. It’s hard. It is easy to give people credit for logistical or physical changes....
Two Things A Toddler Taught Me That Will Make Your Life Easier
by Danielle | Jun 1, 2017
Last weekend I had a few friends over, many of whom were parents. It was a house filled with toddlers. As you can imagine, the house was full of ENERGY. Thankfully, everyone made...
The Biggest Battle You’ll Ever Face
by Kathy | Jun 1, 2017
Do you want to know what is the biggest battle we see going on within our counseling walls? Consistently threading through each and every client that walks through our doors, I...
The Curse Of The “Strong Woman”
by Kathy | Mar 20, 2017
What’s the problem with being a strong woman? We are tough. We are capable. We endure. We drive ourselves hard. We get crap done! We are the envy of others while we breeze...
Are You Holding Yourself Back?
by imavexadmin | May 31, 2016
What’s holding you back? What keeps you from losing weight? Getting the job of your dreams? Quitting smoking or drinking? Saving money? Improving your life or your...
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