How To Heal From A Broken Heart The pain from your broken heart feels unbearable and you can’t even attempt to see yourself past the pain. In order to push past it, you...
Should I Get A Divorce?
by Kandice | Oct 31, 2023
Divorce is the hardest decision to make sometimes and many people struggle with "Should I get a divorce?" There is a push and pull between keeping and ending the relationship....
Couple’s Therapy
by Morgan | Dec 23, 2022
Couple's Therapy: “I really don’t know if I want to be in this relationship anymore. I just want to know that we tried everything we could.” I hear different versions of this...
Blending Families
by Morgan | Aug 25, 2022
Ah, the blended family. Every parent’s dream, right? Obviously when we start our lives, we don’t count on ending up in a situation like this. The happily ever after in our minds...
Co-Parenting With The Enemy
by Chelsea | Dec 2, 2019
Ever feel like you are co-parenting with the enemy? One of the most difficult parts of divorce is learning how to share custody. The dissolution of any type of relationship is...
5 Things I’ve Learned Since My Divorce
by Kathy | May 29, 2019
I was recently pondering 5 things I’ve learned since my divorce. I don’t take divorce lightly and trust me, I agonized hard in making the decision, but if divorce is something...
The #1 Marriage Killer
by Jasleen | Apr 12, 2017
What if research found that one trait in particular was the number one marriage killer? Would you do anything to ensure that it didn’t ruin yours? Or would you continue to let it...
Marital Love: Conditional or Unconditional?
by Nancy | Feb 26, 2016
When we think about marital love, we think about commitment and wanting that union to go the distance. We want to think and believe that our love when we're married will never...
What Is Your Anger Pointing To?
by Kathy | Jan 31, 2016
What is your anger pointing to? This is such a difficult, but oh so important question because most of us think we know the answer. And when we “ know” the answer, we naturally...
Why Do You NEED To Win The Argument?
by Kathy | Jan 19, 2016
Why do some arguments never end? Why do you need to win? Why do you just have to get the other person to see it your way? These are the very things that keep many couples...
Co-Parenting After Divorce
by Kathy | Jul 15, 2015
When people get divorced they are often angry, bitter, hurt and devastated. Their plans have been foiled and their lifestyle has changed. But in addition to all that, they now...
The Marriage Saver
by Nancy | Jul 13, 2015
People ask me now and again, what is the key to staying married for the long haul? My parents are about to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary, and it is obvious to anyone...
Reality of Marriage
by Javan | May 28, 2015
Falling in love and getting married… seems so happy. Planning the party, imagining living together, hoping to get every type of happiness is pretty normal for most couples....
Why Is My Blended Family Not Working?
by Christy Aloisio | Apr 8, 2015
Let’s face it…blended families are not easy. Marriages and raising children are hard on its own, adding step parents, step children, half children, and marriages can feel nearly...
Change is Necessary
by Javan | Mar 29, 2015
Change is constant year after year, from the moment of birth. We grow as we learn and take in information based on life experiences. Change is necessary and normal. Have you...
Moving From Victim To Victorious!
by Kathy | Feb 16, 2015
When hardship happens in your life, how do you handle it? Do you metaphorically throw yourself down on the floor and have a kicking, screaming tantrum? Or do you accept it as...
Why Is Marriage So Hard?
by Kathy | Feb 1, 2015
Why is marriage so hard? We meet the person who fits us perfectly and the love flows so freely, it is difficult to imagine it could ever be hard. So why is it so tough? I have 4...
Dating After Divorce
by Javan | Jan 30, 2015
Should I really start dating again? Am I going to make the same mistakes? Maybe I should just be single. Are you considering entering the dating arena after the divorce...
Finding Happily Ever After
by Kathy | Jan 25, 2015
Have you been looking for happily ever after? Let’s face it. Deep down, that’s what we all want – for the struggle to end, the ease to begin. We want the comfort of having our...
Divorce Is A Tragedy Of The Heart
by Kathy | Oct 12, 2014
Divorce is a tragedy of the heart. I don’t encourage it and I certainly don’t judge anyone who has had to go through it. Sadly, I have joined those ranks recently myself. No...
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