Category: Individual Therapy
Am I In A Die To Self Fantasy?

Am I In A Die To Self Fantasy?

Are you feeling depressed at your lack of success?  Often times we set unrealistic goals and when we fail to achieve them, we beat ourselves up.  This Die To Self mentality tends...

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Self Love Languages For You

Self Love Languages For You

When we think of the 5 Love Languages, they usually are pertaining to how we receive or give love. You may know which language is the one you like to receive most, but have you...

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True Self-Care Is A Struggle

True Self-Care Is A Struggle

It is such a common misconception that self-care always feels good. Socially, self-care can start to be identified by things like retail therapy, bubble baths and Netflix-binges....

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Toxic Masculinity

Toxic Masculinity

In today’s world, mental health has become such an important topic and the perception around it has completely changed for the better. However, society has created a narrative...

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The SAD Time of Year

The SAD Time of Year

The time change has occurred. It gets dark at 5pm. The temperature makes it hurt to be outside. The holidays are over. Now, the winter blues have really kicked in. Seasonal...

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5 Reasons To Go To Therapy

5 Reasons To Go To Therapy

Have you been thinking about going to see a therapist, but there has been something holding you back? You find yourself making excuses on finances, not having the time, or...

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It’s normal to feel frustrated, stuck in a pattern, or unhappy with life circumstances. It’s also normal to know what causes frustration, irritation, and disappointment. The...

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The Blame Game

All blame is a waste of time.  How can I say that, do you suppose?  I mean, come on...there are times when people deserve to get blamed.  There IS such a thing as "fault" after...

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Insulation vs. Isolation

By we are going to talk about a way of thinking, a paradigm that will help navigate the waters of relationship with folks that may not always be all that safe....

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Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships can include family, friends, co-workers, intimate partners, spouses, just about anyone. Even an acquaintance. Though toxic relationships tend to seem okay on...

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The Illusion of Control

Control is a really common topic in my office. One very simplistic definition of anxiety is "an over-focus on things that may or may not happen," in other words...thinking too...

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What Is Your Anger Pointing To?

What is your anger pointing to?  This is such a difficult, but oh so important question because most of us think we know the answer. And when we “ know” the answer, we naturally...

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When Expectations Meet Reality

We don't often think about the realm between expectation and reality. Usually, people move through life believing and trusting that everyday expectations and big picture...

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“Comparison is the thief of joy.” ~Theodore Roosevelt Do you remember the game “Roshambo”? You might know it better as “Rock, Paper, Scissors.” Did you play this game as a kid?...

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A True Test Of Character

Want a true test of your character?  Try answering these questions . . .  Does your spouse respect you?  Do people view you as humble?  Do your co-workers trust you to do the...

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